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Cambridge Libraries

Address: Box 111, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0SP
Telephone: Library reception - 01223 336750
Online Catalogue: iDiscover
Location map: University Map
Situated on the first floor (Level 3) of the Clinical School Building at Addenbrooke's Hospital. Acts as a Regional Medical Library for the NHS Eastern Region.
Staff: Medical Librarian: Isla Kuhn, M.A., M.Sc.
Library Manager: Jo Milton
Assistant Librarian (Research Support, Teaching and Learning): Veronica Phillips (
Assistant Librarian (Research Support, Teaching and Learning): Frankie Marsh (
Library Assistant: Jasmina Makljenovic
Library Assistant: Liz Bouyea
Library Assistant: Emma Hemmings


Evening/Weekend Invigilator : Peter Czosnyka
Evening/Weekend Invigilator : Bridget Lofts
Evening/Weekend Invigilator: Richard Young

Admits: Members of the University, local NHS and MRC staff, others on application.
Stock: 50,000 books and pamphlets, 3,000 serial titles (current and dead).
Special collections: Cambridge M.D., M. Chir. And M. Phil. Epidemiology theses.
Services: Document Delivery. NHS ATHENS access to e-journals, e-books and databases. Training and support for literature searching using University and/or NHS databases: group and individual sessions. Current awareness. Literature searching on readers' behalf. General enquiries. 2 single person bookable pods, 1 4-person bookable pod and a bookable meeting room with capacity for 8 people. 8 NHS Addenbrookes networked computers.
Opening hours: Term: Monday-Friday 8am to 7:45pm, Saturday 9am to 4:45pm, closed Sunday. (No admission within fifteen minutes of closing time).
Vacation: Monday-Friday 8am to 7:45pm, Saturday 9am to 4:45pm, closed Sunday. (No admission within fifteen minutes of closing time).
In order to gain admittance and use library services and resources, new readers must register at the library desk. This desk is staffed in person from 10 am to 4pm, Monday-Saturday, 10 am to 7pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 1pm to 4pm Saturday
Please check the library’s LibGuide for the most up-to-date opening hours.

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