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Cambridge Libraries

Address: Woolf Institute, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0UB
Telephone: 01223 741039
Online Catalogue: iDiscover
Location map: University Map
Staff: Curator of the Lash Library: Susanne Jennings, MA, MCLIP (
Library Assistant: Dan Healy
Federation Librarian: Dr Chris Grogan (
Admits: Members of the University and the Cambridge Theological Federation. Others by arrangement.
Stock: A discrete stock of predominately Catholic works including - but not confined to - theology, Church History, spirituality, mysticism, aesthetics, metaphysics, key Catholic figures, Mariology etc. Recent acquisitions reflect the research interests of current academic staff.
Special Collections: The library of the late Norris Hulse Professor Nicholas Lash including a collection of significant works by, and pertaining to, Cardinal St Henry Newman; donations from Dr Lavinia Byrne, the late Sr Pamela Hayes, RSCJ et al.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday during College hours/by arrangement.
See: Cambridge Theological Federation