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Cambridge Libraries

Address: Department of Geography, Downing Place, Cambridge, CB2 3EN
Telephone: (3)33391
Fax: (3)33392
Online Catalogue: iDiscover
Location map: University Map
Staff: Library and Information Manager: Sophy Arulanantham
Admits: University staff, research students and undergraduates of the university. Others by arrangement.
Stock: The Geography Department Library supports the teaching of the Geographical Tripos and MPhil courses in the department. Over 26,000 titles are currently held, including 23,500 monographs, 2,000 offprints and 300 series (working papers from other university geography departments).
Special collections: Clark Collection of 18th and 19th century travel books - 556 titles.
Opening hours: Term: Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm

Vacation: Mon-Thu 10am to 4pm, Fri 10am to 3pm

Check website for any alterations.


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