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Cambridge Libraries

Address: The Sainsbury Laboratory, Bateman Street, Cambridge CB2 1LR
Telephone: 01223 330733
Online Catalogue: iDiscover


Please note there are currently two separate locations for material at the Cory & Herbarium Libraries - 'Botanic Garden: Cory Library' and 'Plant Sciences (including Herbarium) Library'.

Location map: Our what3words location is: spine.powder.cones
Staff: Assistant Librarian: Frances Marsh
Admits: The Library is open for members of the Department of Plant Sciences, the Botanic Garden and those working in the Sainsbury Laboratory.


Non-Department members can access the library by appointment only. Please email for further information.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm for registered users from the Department of Plant Sciences, Cambridge University Botanic Garden and the Sainsbury Laboratory.


Wednesday (2 - 5pm) and Thursday (9am - 5pm) for all other users, by appointment only

Stock: Works on practical horticulture, plant taxonomy and systematics, and floras by geographical area. Historic and current serials related to taxonomy and horticulture.
Special collections: The Cory special collection of early botanical and horticultural works. The Herbarium special collection of historic floras, monographs and early taxonomic works. The Simpson collection of British and Irish local floras.

Libraries by subject