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Cambridge Libraries

Address: Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW
Telephone: (3)36329
X (formerly Twitter):
Online Catalogue: iDiscover
Location map: University Map
Staff: Librarian: Mrs Sara Wallace, MSc
Library Assistant: Currently vacant
Departmental Officer Responsible: Prof J.M. Goodman
Admits: Chemistry Department staff and researchers. NST Part IB, Part II and Part III undergraduates reading Chemistry. NST Part 1A Chemistry students may apply for access with the support of their DoS. All others by advance permission of the Librarian.


Please visit our Access to the library website.

Stock: 7,200 monographs, 347 serial/periodical titles (current and dead).
Services: 4 UMD (University Managed Desktop) computers. MFD (Multi-Functional Device) to which printing can be sent, and which can be used to photocopy, as well as to scan documents in PDF format. 6 docking solutions consisting of a 27in monitor, VGA and HDMI cables that can be connected to your laptop.
Opening hours: The Library Office is normally staffed between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday - Friday, but this can vary due to staffing levels.


The Library itself is open regardless of Library Office staffing. Access hours are dependent on library users' Chemistry Department access rights. Please visit our Access to the library website for further information.


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