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Cambridge Libraries

Address: The David Attenborough Building, Pembroke Street, Cambridge, CB2 3QZ
Telephone: (3)31322
Online Catalogue:
Location maps: University Map
Staff: Leventis Library Manager: Ellen Woolf
  • Staff & students based at the CCI Campus (borrowing rights)
  • Other staff & students of CCI Partners* (reference access)
  • Others on application (reference access)

*The CCI Partners are: the University of Cambridge, the RSPB, BirdLife International, Tropical Biology Association, UN Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre, TRAFFIC, Fauna & Flora, the Cambridge Conservation Forum, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the British Trust for Ornithology, and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Stock: A research collection to support the biodiversity conservation work of CCI partners, and a small recreational reads collection of poetry, fiction and non-fiction relating to the natural world. Approx. 8,500 monographs (many of which are grey literature), 120 current periodical titles and 780 historic periodical titles (long and short runs).
Opening hours: Open 24/7 to those based at the CCI Campus with your building access card. All others by appointment only.

Libraries by subject